Monday, March 30, 2009

Page 26,27,29

The reference sheets were fun to read, again some words were different for me but overall were fun and interesting to me, page 29 when i opened it was upside down...Anyways the technology part to this course continues to be fun and interesting.


  1. Boozhoo Gabe, wanted to share this link with you... is about Tail Feather Woman, the Sioux lady who gave mankind the drum through vision...I have heard, I guess I've heard different versions of the story,'s very interesting, do you think Mukwa would be interested? I'm probably the last to hear about this anyways...
    Miigwech Gabe,

  2. Yes i agree, i enjoyed reading the assignments too. But yes! i have heard this story about Tail Feather Woman, i first heard it as a child growing up listening to elders talk about when they had their drum ceremonies. It was very common to hear this as a matter of fact. I just read this article too here in Sisseton. It was printed in the paper "Sota" which is the tribal news paper here. I was suprised that the people have never heard the story and have been asking me to explain this....its ironic that the teachings are through a (sioux) Dakota woman and yet the people here have never heard of it....

  3. I think it's especially cool for the young ladies (all ladies for that matter) to have a hero. Miigwech Gabe.
